one finger salute
i just love your username
well i must say that after the serve us meeting tonight i feel so much more intelligent.
almost as if i had four years of college condensed into ten minutes.. that is what was spent going on about how to use the glossary in the back of the "wonderful" new revised bible.
we got a crash course on how to look up the words listed alphabetically.
one finger salute
i just love your username
you don't have to know much to talk to jw's and show them they don't want to really discuss the matters.they consider a discussion on the matter they are pushing to be "confrontational.".
there are many things wrong with the world, many injustices and crimes committed.
what if we could stop one of them?
wouldn't it make the world a slightly better place?
i have read the site with great interest over the last few weeks.
some interesting stuff thats for sure.. i have left the jehovah's witnesses (was almost going to say the 'truth') for some time now.
i was one of the lucky ones that was baptised then faded, no humiliating disfellowshipping but nonetheless was very hard to get myself out.
welcome to the site
" faith"---yeah. no proof for most of what they think they believe.
if you walked up to any jw and said "i just spoke to satan" they would think you lost your mind.
while that reaction makes perfect sense in the real world, in wt land it doesn't add up.
here's why i say this -jw's are supposed to believe the following:.
who would have though that if i click "refresh my avatar" i would turn into this little shriveled amoeba with 5 legs.
i want my old avatar back.
there are many things wrong with the world, many injustices and crimes committed.
what if we could stop one of them?
wouldn't it make the world a slightly better place?
there are many things wrong with the world, many injustices and crimes committed.
what if we could stop one of them?
wouldn't it make the world a slightly better place?
too old to change. Thats MY EXCUSE. innit.
"there have been repeated scientific challenges to the.
theory of evolution in the past, and the nonbelievers of evo-.
lution cite them as support for their case.
"there have been repeated scientific challenges to the.
theory of evolution in the past, and the nonbelievers of evo-.
lution cite them as support for their case.